The Guide to Craveable Hollandaise Dishes for Brunch and Beyond
As restaurant operators head into the spring season, inventive new flavors and dishes will be critical to get weary customers excited again. Spring is an ideal time to test out new dishes, particularly on breakfast and brunch menus associated with Easter and Mother’s Day. Spring celebrations are the perfect time to highlight fresh herbs and produce, and also good opportunities for indulgent options, such as high-end proteins like lobster.A,B
Eggs benedict, a brunch favorite, is the perfect platform for safe experimentation. Beyond benedicts, hollandaise is fantastic on its own, or as a foundation for signature sauces. Get inspired with our hollandaise concepts and trending seasonal flavors to help you with your seasonal menu ideations.
Breakfast & Brunch Opportunities
59% of U.S. consumers are extremely or very interested in seeing more GLOBALLY-INSPIRED BREAKFAST CONCEPTS on menus at restaurants near them.D
Nearly half of U.S. consumers who reside in SUBURBAN OR RURAL LOCATIONS are more likely to opt for breakfast options that can't be easily made at home.E
BRUNCH OFFERS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR LIMITED-SERVICE OPERATORS to attract customers as meal times become more flexible. To stand out, extend your breakfast menu or offer special deals during less busy hours.D
BREAKFAST FOODS are a comforting yet controllable indulgence that equally allows for the familiar, craveability, and experimentation for over 40% OF DINERS AT ANY TIME OF DAY.E
This Datassential tool tracks top chain restaurants' LTOs and new menu items from month to month and showcases consumer ratings on them based on a variety of metrics. Since 2014, SCORES™ has grown to include over 175k ratings across 30,000 menu items.
How new and different is this item?Uniqueness helps operators stand out from the competition, which makes this a particularly noteworthy score.
How likely would you be to order/buy it?
Gauges how interested consumers are in a specific item in general when it's not tied to a particular brand.
Is this an item you could see yourself having all the time? It shows operators how often consumers would seek out this specific item if it were available.
Would you visit a restaurant just for this item? It reveals motivation to visit a specific restaurant just to get this one particular item if it was offered.

A smash burger with American cheese, hashbrowns, Canadian bacon and a poached egg on a toasted brioche bun, topped off with everything bagel seasoned hollandaise sauce.
Give your customers their favorite Eggs Benedict dish, beyond the morning daypart!
This brunch burger is perceived as exceptionally unique; a five star rating for uniqueness.
Ability to drive visitation; top performer for Draw among those who like this burger.
Ingredient rarity exceeds 26% of other burger menu items.
Over two-fifths (41%) of consumers overall express interest in these morning focused burgers, yet only a fifth of operators currently menu them.
Burgers are one of the most loved foods and will always be in demand. And although foodservice in many cases experienced an unexpected pivot to more takeout orientated orders, many consumers see burgers as great takeout food.
At +171% 4-year growth, Brunch Burgers are one of the fastest growing dishes on adoption level entrée menus.
Everything Bagel SpiceJ
Everything Bagel Spice had grown on US menus 349.3% since 2017. Datassential Haiku™ predicts Everything Bagel Spice will continue to grow 24.1% in the next four years.
It's not common that a top item in menu penetration is also a fast growing item (+66% in the last four years), but brioche is just that. From burgers to ice cream sandwiches, this versatile sweet bread can carry it all!
Eggs Benedict can be found on 30.9% of US menus. Datassential Haiku™ predicts Eggs Benedict will continue to grow 16.7% in the next four years.
Custom culinary® Hollandaise sauce
Hollandaise, the ubiquity-level ‘mother sauce’ most well-known for its starring role in the ubiquitous eggs benedict, has a reputation for being difficult, needing careful attention and constant whisking.C For operators looking to save valuable time and labor back-of-house, speed scratch solutions like Custom Culinary® Ready-to-Use Frozen Hollandaise offer operational efficiency.
A classic mother sauce, Custom Culinary® Hollandaise Sauce delivers the authentic emulsification of egg yolk, clarified butter and lemon you would expect to find in a scratch preparation, with just the right level of cayenne pepper. This convenient, easily customizable sauce is available in both frozen, ready-to-use bulk and portion control pack sizes. Choose the format that’s right for you!
Infinite ways to Hollandaise...
Beyond benedicts, this menu multitasker is fantastic on its own, or as a foundation for signature sauces. Scroll to check out our suggestions below, or click here for more hollandaise culinary inspiration.
Chefs' tip
Asparagus is a healthy veggie available year-round but tastes best during the springtime. Grilled asparagus paired with a herb Hollandaise Sauce will always be a hit with your guests.
Hollandaise +
This luscious, silky sauce can be easily customized for a number of different dishes and cuisines. Operators can experiment in making a more unique hollandaise by adding anything (like one of Custom Culinary's globally-inspired sauces) from chilies and gochujang for a kick of heat, to fresh orange or lime juice for a touch of citrus sweetness.C
ADD... |
Custom Culinary® Hollandaise Sauce |
Aji Amarillo |
Aji Amarillo Hollandaise |
Custom Culinary® Hollandaise Sauce |
Orange Zest |
Sauce Matese |
Custom Culinary® Hollandaise Sauce |
Tarragon |
Sauce Béarnaise |
Custom Culinary® Hollandaise Sauce |
Citrus Juice Concentrate of Choice |
Citrus Hollandaise Sauce |
Custom Culinary® Hollandaise Sauce |
Custom Culinary® Gold Label Lobster Base
+ Sherry Wine |
Lobster Hollandaise |
Custom Culinary® Hollandaise Sauce |
Tomato Paste |
Choron Sauce |
Custom Culinary® Hollandaise Sauce |
Dijon Mustard |
Dijon Hollandaise Sauce |
Custom Culinary® Hollandaise Sauce |
Roasted Red Pepper Purée |
Roasted Red Pepper Hollandaise Sauce |
Brunch Trends: Seasonal Savory Menu Terms
Ingredients that add a pop of color to classic dishes are common during April and May on Casual and Fine Dining Menus, including blackberries, strawberries, and radishes. Several subtle flavors work especially well on dishes meant to play double duty at lunch and brunch, including citrus dressing, chives, and garlic aioli.
* represents a flavor not menued in any other month
+++ represents a flavor indexing 10x or more within the specified month
INSIDER 2021, INDEX: index among months (100 = average for all months) for items launched Jan 2016 to Dec 2021 by top casual and fine dining chains
In this guide, you’ll find a range of chef-crafted menu ideas that showcase the versatility of Custom Culinary® Frozen, Ready-to-Use Hollandaise Sauces, supported by the latest industry research and consumer trends. Put a delicious twist on Eggs Benedicts, handheld favorites, and entrees with simple ingredient add-ins that take your signature secret sauces to the next level.
Patio season is a wonderful time to differentiate the menu—but in a way that manages time and labor to keep your kitchen running smoothly. In this guide, you’ll find recipes featuring Custom Culinary® products that are ideal for adding to your menu as specials, along with promotional ideas to boost your patio program.
A) Datassential, Trend Report: Spring & Easter, April 2022
B) Datassential, Easter and Mother's Day Trends, April 2022
C) Datassential, On the Menu, July 2016
D) Datassential, International Concepts, Global Breakfast Trends, August 2021
E) Mintel, Restaurant Breakfast and Brunch Trends, US, October 2021
F) Datassential, FoodBytes: SCORES™ Preview, August 2021
G) Datassential SCORES™, "Breakfast Benny Burger" report for Custom Culinary®, March 2022
H) Datassential, Burgers SNAP! Keynote Report, January 2021
I) Datassential, The World of Adoption Level, January 2022
J) Datassential, MenuTrends, accessed 4/5/22. US Chain and Independent restaurants % that offer...
K) Datassential, Seasonality 2022 Report, February 2022
Reimagined Retro
They may be retro, but they’re definitely not old-fashioned—nostalgic eats like sloppy joes, deviled eggs and the Hot Brown sandwich are being reimagined to add kitschy appeal.