“Just like Mama made it.” We’re all familiar with this phrase, but it can be an exciting benchmark for flavor and texture when developing menu items. At Custom Culinary®, we are all about being true to the food, which includes offering the most authentic experience possible. Authenticity is subjective, as everyone has grown up with different exposures and experiences. But in many ways, specific procedures, traditions, and ingredients identify food to its historical origin. Today, we're focusing on one of our top trends, Experience Asia, getting familiar with the nuances of Asian cuisine, including a deeper dive into the regional fare, revealing differences in technique and featured ingredients. What better time to discuss getting to the root of authentic, globally-inspired offerings?
This topic of authenticity is fascinating. Family connection has been complicated but so important. Many U.S. citizens and immigrants look to cultural traditions, including food, to feel connected. “Engaging in traditions and practices of one’s cultural heritage can be a psychologically meaningful experience that can engender feelings of connection,” says Professor Sumie Okazaki, a professor of applied psychology at New York University.
“It is, indeed, possible to learn and connect to your ancestral culture from afar using foods and cultural celebrations,” says Dr. Gail M. Ferguson, an associate professor at the Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota, who studies how people learn about their cultural heritage from a distance. “These efforts have psychological and emotional benefits that could be especially helpful during this pandemic when our usual sources of connection and support are diminished.”1 Being able to offer a dish that immediately churns up emotions and memories is a surefire way to create an extraordinary dining experience with your restaurant.

Sixty-two percent of consumers say food should be “authentic,” prepared just as it is in its home country.2 So, how do you get there? When tasting just like home, there’s no better soundboard than those who have lived it. Meeting with those born of a specific heritage, getting one-on-one lessons on a related technique, or having an official tasting panel are just a few ways to reach the most authentic version of your dishes.
Some operators have been putting these methods to work for years, even in College and University, where foodservice is an essential piece of recruitment and campus satisfaction—tasting panels with members from the same culture as the dish has been utilized to make sure that the experience in the dining hall is as close to home as possible, especially for students who hail from the culture.
The most powerful menus tell a thoughtful story about foods, flavors, and the methods that bring it all to life. Staying true to your menu is important, but if wanting to bring in authentic global cuisines, look for the connection points between your current offerings, global flavors, and your guests’ interests. Take the extra steps to educate yourself and your guests on the inspiration, methods, preparation styles, and ingredient origins. We’re here to help you dive in with consumer insights, menu concepts, and more while offering our Gold Label and Custom Culinary® product lines, filled with everything from ready-to-use sauces to Asian broths. These brands were created to give diners authentic meal experiences without the time or labor required to make complex soups and sauces from scratch.
1 Feet in Two Worlds, How Reconnecting with Our Immigrant Roots Can Help Us Survive 2021, January 2021
2 Datassential, COVID-19 Research quoted in 2021 Big Picture Factors, June 2021
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